Friday, March 25, 2011

Photograph analysis 1

No one is viewing you. But pictures existence, and it’s powers, directly defies definition. Words, words, words. So many people are so hung up on them. I belong on that category. This holds relevance to my overall argument. So, fine then, clean the slate and disregard. Now just raise the prospect of a wedding or a graduation or a funeral and it’s a given photographs are going to be involved in the proceedings. It’s recommended every once in a while men (and women) dress up (as if normally everyone dressed down) to capture them at their most presentable, their most groomed, their most optimal. Celebrations of a sort are the best opportunity. The focus of this paper will concentrate on how men’s conduct at regal affairs is supposed to be subdued, not too concerned with actively pursuing garrulous, i cannot stress that enough, impressions. What you see is what you get. No one is viewing you but yet they are. In dumber words, for that’s what I've been exhorted to utilize to eschew pretension, the conservative triumphs over flamboyancy in relation to being a man. I will expound in my closing paragraph.
Before you can assess his conveyance, or even a plausible setting, you must account somehow for the three piece suit and the reason for it’s presence. The social context is crucial, but a stranger would just see an outdated photo of a fresh faced young man, hispanic, clad in a drab hue of blue; definitely not connoting vacuous skies.  Regal shoulders straight for the most part. Hands fidgeting around the pockets, caught in a maladjusted position.  The shoes condition, crinkled and worn, dissonant to the ironed pieces of the lent clothes. A tie, wide and a very light blue. A belt of feasible quality. Legwear uncreased and ironed reasonably fitting. A white buttoned down shirt eclipsed by it’s surroundings. Young but mature, is what the clothes seem to say. Stable, not bright but not laid back or, worse, lazy. And it sure is convincing. No creases
    Now the features. I repeat, hispanic, young but not too young but a teen may still yet linger. The passage of a few years can dramatically change a stripped down countenance, and it seems the future for the man is prepping for that change. Hair that is not distractingly long nor blatantly omitted but, given the groovy era, quite safe and short if a little curly. Fresh faced. Not a follicle below the temple. Face neither narrow nor wide. Ditto for the nose. His face impassive, perhasps expressionless but something can be derived from this docile sternness. Not a big man, rather a thin one, and just distilled. Overall, a bland thin layer in a tome of shifting layers. Calm. Eyebrows monotonous. Distributing the bulk of his weight ever so slightly on his right foot. No facial creases.
    Below him, cracked cobblestones but presentable.  A night hour, thin trunks of unnameable trees lurking in the background. A row of retro motorcycles, frugal and if a little askew. The owners must be guests or party goers. One man cannot possibly govern these dangerous two wheeled vehicles. No Harley Davidson’s are they but their appeal is in it’s litheness, presumably. It’s a hospitable night. Something official has transpired during the taking of this inelastic pic.
I have made whole paragraphs from a picture i could have just dismissed as normal. But being a man is hardly a matter to be taken so flippantly. Disputes are insanely raised. Males are shot because they want something to prove; this coming from a personal experience. Crude male Insults projected are always, at their core, somehow questioning one’s virility, one’s chutzpah. But those are extreme examples. The male who lives securely and steadily is the man. Not exactly reticent, could be very colorful, but ultimately keeping a straight line in his insulated empire. What does the man need to prove other than his physical presence? Take what you get. Don’t amplify. Shut up. Be respectful. No one is viewing you.


  1. Only this once will I accept your paper as a post on your blog. The final draft and all formal assignments for the rest of the term must be completed in Google Docs.

  2. I've made comments on your first draft in a Microsoft Word document I've created as you did not compose your draft in google docs. I e-mailed my comments to you in an attachment. Please check your e-mail and let me know if you cannot view the document.

  3. A) The introduction to this essay is not clear, but somewhat appropriate to what the writer is trying to convey. Although the writer was trying to give the different descriptions between men and women viewed in the photograph, there is absolutely no real definition on how he was able to determine the masculine traits in this man. There is a thesis, but the aim and purpose of the paper is slightly off, because masculinity can be objectified not only through regal affairs, but also in ordinary affairs.

    B)In the first paragraph the writer, did not focus on any aspect on the photograph. He just gave an opinionated view on what photographs mean to people, and various ways he would go about knowing that someone is a male. In the second and third paragraph the writer gives a description about what he is seeing in this particular photograph. This approach was somewhat affective in helping me form an opinion on how the gender of the person in the photograph, because the writer gives detailed descriptions about the clothing, facial features, race, and the environment in which he was located at the time the photograph was taken.
    c) The conclusion of this paper doesn’t justify what the main purpose of the essay was. Many things that were said in paper was not explain with clarity some sentences ran on and made absolutely no sense.
    D) The papers biggest strength was the in-depth description of the outfit and structural norms of society on what a man is supposed to wear when attending regal affairs.
    E) The writer should engage its reader, and sticking to the main point of the essay instead of side tracking into something else. Excellent ideas were presented, but I think the writer had a hard time writing on text, what he really wanted to say to the audience.
